London 1981


Prospect House, Point Pleasant, Wandsworth, 1981
29y-34: house, listed, works,

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Prospect House, built around 1800, has survived more or less unchanged, thanks to Grade II listing in 1974, and was restored in 1975. Since I took this photograph it has gained both a front garden with fence hedge and gateposts reflecting the motif from the pillars of the house, and a blue plaque (not listed by English Heritage) for George IV.
What has changed significantly are the surroundings. What was in 1981 an industrial area is now Wandsworth Riverside, or Wandworth Riverside Quarter, with luxury riverside flats and rather more upmarket offices and businesses, parts still under construction. Various industries occupied the area over the years, including a brewery, vinegar works, a Shell Oil Terminal, and a Morganite works.